- Passing Over
- Also known as relocating - this expression refers to physical death.
- Place-bound apparition
- Apparitions that are confined to specific locations as a result of circumstances such as sudden death, murder, and any other violent demise.
- Possession
- This is when a discarnate spirit enters and takes control of an individual for the purpose of self-gratification.
- Pranas
- Vital airs pervading the bodily system and controlling the various physiological processes: breathing, circulation, digestion, elimination and swallorwing.
- Precognition
- An extension of clairvoyance, precognition is the ability to see future events.
- Psychokinesis
- This is the ability to move objects through mental or psychic control.
- Psychometry
- Psychometry is the ability to hold an object and sense its history from its vibrations.