- Babaji (aka Mahavatar Babaji)
- A deathless avatar who in 1861 restored the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga by initiating
/ teaching the technique to Lahiri Mahasaya. As an avatar, Babaji has lived in the Himalayas for centuries. His mission has been to help constantly bless the world and assist prophets. The name Babaji is from the Sanskrit baba
(father) and the suffix ji (denoting respect).
- Baptism
- Derived from a Greek root: "baptizr," which means "to immerse," "to dip under," or "to wash."
It is s religious ritual welcoming an individual into a church. Denominations differ
on the the method, the age at which the ritual is done, and the consequences of baptism.
- An acronym for "Before the Common Era." A religiously-neutral calendar notation that is numerically equivalent to the more religious "BC" notation
- Beta State
- This is a state of brain activity characterized by 14 to 217 cycles per second wherein the person is wide awake and fully conscious.
- Bhagavad-Gita
- The "Song of the Lord" -- a holy text revered by followers of Hinduism.
- Bible
- From the Greek word "biblos," which means "book." -- a holy text broken into two segments, " the Old Testament (pre-Christ) and the New Testament (post Christ),
- Bilocate
- This is the ability to appear in several places at once for the purpose of assisting others.
- Brahma
- This is the name of the creator deity in the Hindu religious tradition and one of the three main Hindu deities. The other two primary
deities are Vishnu and Shiva.
- Breath
- The influx of numerous cosmic currents which links us with the fleeting
world of our senses. To enter the higher blissful realms of consciousness, one
learns to quiet the breath through meditation.
- Buddha
- The Awakened or Enlightened One. The title given to Prince Siddhartha Gautama (583-463 B.C.), who gave up his throne for the life of a merchant and is honored as the founder of Buddhism.
- Buddha Plane
- The Buddha plane is also know as the Christ Consciousness plane. It has a
higher frequency than and is located right above the 2nd Physical plane. It has a
lower vibration than and is located right below the Cosmic plane.