- Agnostic
- a person who believes that we cannot know whether or not a God exists.
- Akashic Records
- The Akashic Records or "Book of Life" act as a central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived
- every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.
The Akashic Records are located in the highest levels of the Astral plane in what looks like a Greek temple with four
pillars. The records are interactive in that they
store Karma from previous lifetimes and we decide what Karma we want to bring in
and work on each lifetime. What Karma we are unable to burn off in a given
lifetime along with whatever new Karma we built during the lifetime is
re-deposited in the Akashic Records at the time of our death.
- Allah
- An Arabic word which means "the One True God." Most Muslims in the West use Allah and God interchangeably.
- Alpha State
- This is the state of brain activity characterized by waves ranging from 8 to
13 cycles per second. Resembling a light trance, it is the condition one
experiences during light meditation, daydreaming and just prior to sleep or just
after waking.
- Anima
- The female energy in or feminine side of a man.
- Animism
- The belief that all components of the universe, including humans, animals, plant life, rocks, etc. contain some form of life force, soul or spirit.
- Animus
- The male energy in or the male side of a woman.
- Apocalypse
- From a Greek word meaning "revelation." The prophesized destruction of evil and triumph of good.
- Apparition
- From the Latin word "apparere" (to appear). A paranormal incident involving the appearance of a non-physical entity or object.
- Armageddon
- A belief that there will be one final battle between Jesus and Satan that will determine the fate and the end of the world as we know it.
- Asanas
- Various Yoga postures for health or meditation.
- Ashram
- A Hindu religious retreat center where a student can learn under the guidance of a guru (teacher).
- Astral Plane
- The Astral plane or realm of existence is just above the 2nd Physical plane. After physical death,
most souls reside in the Astral plane because they have yet to evolve enough to
harmonize with and exist in the higher levels. The Astral plane is higher in frequency
than the 2nd Physical plane. It is also lower in frequency and the plane right below the
Buddha / Christ Consciousness plane.
- Atman
- Spirit or Soul. The essence of the individual and of the same nature as the Universal.
- AUM (aka OM)
- The sound current of the universe from the Causal Plane downward
- Avatar
- The human incarnation, manifestation or appearance of a spiritual entity which continues over long periods of time time to take the same physical form so as to be better recognized by followers, e.g. Vishnu and Babaji.