- Darshan
- From the Sanskrit meaning "sight" and most commonly used for "visions of the divine" as in a god,
a very holy person or an artifact. Most often, the term refers to a heightened
consciousness or spiritual interaction between a devotee and a saintly person
such as a guru.
- Death
- As far as humans are concerned, it is the time when a person's physical body ceases to function.
The sand in the pineal gland stops vibrating, the silver cord detaches from the coccyx and
the Spirit moves on to exist in other planes / dimensions / worlds.
- Delta State
- This is the state of brain activity characterized by waves ranging from zero
to 4 cycles per second. In this state, one is in a light trance, light
meditation, daydreaming, just prior to sleeping or just waking from sleep.
- Dhyana
- True meditation where one's consciousness realizes the Divine through intuitive perception.
- Disciple
- A spiritual aspirant who comes to a guru seeking introduction to higher levels of awareness and consciousness. Mutual acceptance of
each other ends up constituting a guru-disciple relationship.