Mountain Institute is a school dedicated to helping humanity evolve through the practical use of Kriya and Radhasoami meditation techniques. It is a non-profit, non-denominational organization where all are welcome to join to learn to awaken to their own Divinity. The main schools are located in Ouray, CO and Red River, NM. | |
Friends of the Lotus is an informal network of friends serving to support one another in an integrated spiritual practice. It provides free exchange, inner growth and enrichment among all those it reaches. Teachers and classes are located it several areas. | |
Friends Along the Path is a meditation school and community. Its teachings incorporate wisdom from many traditions in the hopes that those who are seeking the meaning of life and right principles of living will find the spiritual elements that fit their own personal journey. | |
Center for Soul Growth is a school and meditation center teaching Kriya and Radhasoami meditation and philosophy. The school is for sincere enquirers who are searching for the truth of what life is all about and for peace of mind. | |
Center for Spiritual Awareness is a Kriya Yoga school that honors all authentic enlightenment traditions. It teaches it is possible for everyone to have a conscious relationship with the Infinite and to fulfill all of life's purposes in harmony with natural laws. | |
Self Realization Fellowship is an international school founded by Paramhansa Yogananda in 1920 to make available the teachings of Kriya Meditation. The nonsectarian teachings embody a complete philosophy for achieving well-being and methods of meditation for achieving union of the soul with Spirit. |
The Chopra Center offers instruction in Primordial Sound Meditation which is an ancient Vedic technique whereby one experiences profound peace and expanded awareness. The technique was revived by Deepak Chopra, David Simon and Roger Gabriel who were previous students of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. | |
TM is a Transcendental Meditation technique brought to the West by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the late 1960s. Regular practice of the technique allows the mind to become aware of its unbounded essence, infinite potential for unlimited awareness and allows it to become in touch with Unity Consciousness. |