Mindfulness Meditation Links / Resources

Vipassana / Insight Schools
Insight Meditation Community of Colorado Insight Meditation Community of Colorado was founded in 1993 to provide support for Rocky Mountain Insight Meditation sitting groups, retreats and other practice opportunities emanating from the Theravada Buddhist tradition. The group is similarly linked to other Insight groups throughout the nation.
Dharma Seed Logo Dharma Seed is a non-profit Theravada Buddhist organization formed in the early 1980s. The group is dedicated to collecting and distributing dharma talks  and transmitting the Vipassana or Insight practices of Theravada Buddhism. It has many online Buddhist resources.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies is a non-profit meditation school and retreat center  initially formed in 1975 as the Insight Meditation Society. It is regarded as one of the Western world's most respected centers for learning and deepening meditation practice. Facilities are located in central Massachusetts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock is a spiritual education and training institution with meditation center located at Woodacre, California. Its strives to help people along the Buddha's path of liberation through direct experience. The programs are grounded in the Buddhist teachings inherent in the Pali discourses.
Vipassana Dhura Meditation Society Vipassana Dhura Meditation Society is a non-profit organization formed in 1986 to make the teachings of insight meditation available to anyone who seeks a way out of suffering. The organization has many on line resources, is located in Aurora, Colorado  and has close ties to Wangplado, Thailand.
Shambhala Schools
Shambala Logo Shambhala Global Community was founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in the 1970s and now has more than 170 centers worldwide. In the west, Trungpa's son, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, now leads the group which teaches meditation in the Shambhala and Tibetan Buddhist traditions.
Shambala Mountain Center Shambhala Mountain Center is a 600 acre retreat center founded in 1971 and located in northern Colorado. The center houses the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya and offers hundreds of programs on Buddhist meditation, yoga and other contemplative disciplines.
Gampo Abbey Logo Gampo Abbey is a Western Buddhist Monastery founded in 1984 in Nova Scotia and follows the Shambhala Tradition. The current heads of the monastery are Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and Pema Chödrön under the spiritual direction of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
Sky Lake Logo Sky Lake is a Shambhala contemplative center for meditation, the arts and the community located in the Shawangunk Mountains of New York. The center offers weekend retreat programs and workshops of Buddhism and Shambhala Arts.
Zen Schools
San Francisco Zen Center San Francisco Zen Center was founded in 1962 by Shunryu Suzki-roshi and has three practice locations, one  each in San Francisco, Marin and Monterey California. The centers teach  Buddhist wisdom and compassion in the Soto Zen tradition established by Dogen Zenji in 13th-century Japan. 
Zen Studies Society Zen Studies Society was established in 1956 by Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki and in 1965 it came under the leadership of Japanese Zen monk Eido Tai Shimano who began emphasizing zazen (Zen Meditation practice). The society has centers in Manhattan and in the Catskills in New York.

<July 2024>