Passing on Knowledge

Mission Statement

It is the mission of Conscious Aging Institute to combine the forces of ancient wisdom and state of the art psychological, health and scientific knowledge to help individuals awaken to their individual greatness and allow something very special to emerge.

By expanding awareness, consciousness and helping with life’s transitions, CAI helps individuals understand the true meaning of life and that through personal and social transformation, everyone can come to know true bliss.

Personal Values

  1. Enjoy the Journey
  2. Offer assistance to others with life transitions
  3. Stimulate expansion of awareness and consciousness
  4. Stay holistically centered and balance mind, body and spirit
  5. Live in the moment
  6. EVERYTHING is as it should be
  7. EVERYONE is doing their very best at all times

Business Values

  1. Work Morally, Ethically and Lawfully
  2. Do Unto Others As We Would Have Other Do Unto Us
  3. Clearly differentiate between facts / knowing and beliefs / faith
  4. Focus on the collective good with employees, customers and the community
  5. Align everything we do with our ongoing responsibility to the environment
  6. Have the Institute be self sustaining and ongoing
  7. Work with and through others and value the practice of service
  8. Use state of the art technology in everything we do

Intermediate Goal

Conscious Aging Institute’s near term goal is to become a formally recognized entity, widely recognized and respected by individuals, communities and organizations as a leader in education, exploration and understanding of our human existence and our mind, body, and spirit holistic system.

Conscious Aging Institute’s greatest asset is open minded, educated and enlightened people and knowledge is our most important tool. Networking and uniting like-minded people who are inspired by ancient knowledge and instilled with great purpose and passion will enable CAI to touch people and instill health, well being, prosperity and bliss in all who embrace understanding.

Everyone is a student and everyone has something to teach. This ongoing intercourse and exchange of information will help ensure CAI continues to grow and give back to future generations.